Project Restoration Wikia
Radio New with Lost expedition (2015 09 13)
Blue Reagent - Warehoused

  • Can be sold at the Market for: 16,400 coincoin, 328 xpxp each.

Production menu tab

Use 2 to make Energy Booster at Dark Complex

Use 2 to make Coins Booster at Dark Complex

Buildings menu tab

Monuments menu tab

Tasks Involved In
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Requirement Line
013.036Reagents Deliver 1 Red Reagent, 2 Blue Reagent and 1 Yellow Reagent Scientific Samples
010.038Expensive research Sell Blue reagent at the Market (0/1) To the New Lands
012.049Raindrop Droplet Create the Blue Reagent in Laboratory of Chemical Reagents (0/1) Space Exploration
